Blue Star Energy Healing

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Expanding Psychic Awareness


Whatever the inner mind "sees" it believes, even if it is imaginary or would not make sense rationally. Expanded energetic awareness and perception has its applications and is valued for many different reasons. As one evolves in their spiritual maturation process all "gifts", senses and "powers" increase accordingly and hopefully, in balance. However, there are approaches one may take that will not only increase psychic awareness but also facilitate spiritual growth.

Sensitivity is the tool of the energy practitioner. Sensitivity is the tool of energetic perception. Society, due to lack consciousness, tends to denigrate that which is most valuable. Own your sensitivity and "know" that your "service" depends upon it. No longer allow any self-doubt as to the value of your inner gifts. Increasing intuitive sensitivity is done through meditation, self-healing, bringing in the Light and practicing certain perspective exercises in conjunction with ones inner vision.

Exercise of the optic nerve on a daily basis facilitates transformative growth and energetic awareness. This is performed by bringing in the Light. The Western Mystery Traditions that practice ritualistic or theurgical meditations are examples of the use of "triggers" by associations that compel further expansion of inner vision. "Triggers" are anything that has been ingrained into the mind of the practitioner as a cue for a certain activation or desired energetic outcome. Incense, mantra, prayers and objects of ritual create the theater of mystical drama.

There are different types and qualities of energetic perception and not everyone perceives in the same manner. Focused "imagination" or focused visualization is a starting point of expanded awareness. 

Lower astral vision is the beginning phase of psychic awareness. In lower astral vision one begins to "see" and experience low frequency beings or scenarios that are not able to be confirmed or validated as to whether the information is "true" or "astral garbage". The mind is tricky and part of the inner work is to sort out if the experience is generated through our own wishful thinking or ego. As one's astral vision evolves, the information and intuition becomes more reliable, or visa versa, in the sense that it is never really fail-safe. 

HSP (High Sensory Perception) is the energetic awareness of highly perceptual Beings, some healers and mystics. Even though all experiences and realizations are filtered through our own inherent belief systems, there evolves a system of internal checks and balances to verify and confirm a "valid" mystical experience or realization. All valid "truths" should be able to be confirmed through mystical writings, holy books, other practitioners, and google. ;-)

Mystical visions or Universal "Truths" may be experienced and repeated in different formats of the Four Worlds spoken of in Kabbalah. It is worth the study of the Four Worlds in order to have a better understanding of how the same energetic experience may be transmitted and experienced in different ways from different perspectives.

In the case of prediction or desired outcome visions, there seems to be a Universal timetable, whereby the Universe lines up the various synergistic variables and parameters in order to derive at the outcome that was preordained. Magick. In some genres, such as energy healing or tarot readings, the timetable as to manifestation may become predictable. In karmic events, manifestation of a vision that filters down the planes may take years, or lifetimes.

It is said "that there is a higher knowledge than empirical knowledge, and that is intuitive knowledge". Rationalism is the death of any intuitive experience. It is a learned response of the mind to not "question" the experience as it is happening. Allowing the mind to question rationally the experience as it is happening will bring it to an abrupt end.

xoxo ~ Blue Star is an Ataana Method Energy Healer.

Learn more about Energy Healing, and how it can change your life by scheduling an appointment with me here....  

"I believe supporting humanity to reconnect to the Light activates the process of self-healing and transformation in order to create a life of authenticity and purpose."

~ Blue Star Energy Healer